
Welcome To BSA Troop 66 in Longmont, Colorado!

Welcome and thanks for visiting the Troop 66 website. We are part of the Wapiti District, Adventure West Council of the Boy Scouts of America

Troop 66 was formed in 1926, making us one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in Longmont, Colorado. Troop 66 recently celebrated our 95th anniversary, and are looking forward to 100! Our list of Eagles is over 80 members long and dates back to 1936. We still work diligently to provide quality Scouting opportunities that may produce more Eagle Scouts. Our activities are heavily centered on outdoor training and skills and frequently involve backpacking, winter camping, pioneering, and survival skills. If you have further questions please visit the Contact Us page or feel free to visit a Troop meeting. Click here to learn more about Troop 66.

Yours in Scouting,
Tad Scheiblich
Troop 66 Scoutmaster

March Announcements

Happy March, Troop 66!

Starting February 24th, Mrs Wait will be leading the Communications Eagle-required merit badge.  We will also be offering time for other rank requirements and self-guided merit badge work.

Troop meetings happen every Monday at First Congregational United Church of Christ on 9th and Francis. Please arrive by 6:45 to help set up for a 7pm start. The next Patrol Leader Council meeting is on March 3rd. Refer to the Troop Meetings page for a list of what to bring. Committee meetings are the Monday following the PLC - all parents and adult leaders are welcome to attend.

There will not be a meeting on March 17th due to the school holiday.

Ask Mr. Scheiblich if you need any other information. Get those boots laced up, this is going to be fun!

2025 Summer Camp at Camp Jeffrey, Ben Delatour

Troop 66 will be attending Camp Jeffrey this summer!

  • Where: Ben Delatour Scout Ranch in Red Feather Lakes, CO 
  • When: July 13th-19th, 2025
  • Cost: $510 if registered and paid before 4/15/25

If your scout is interested in attending summer camp and isn’t yet registered, please contact Mrs. Lipinski at cmlipinski@yahoo.com or speak to Mr. Scheiblich at a Troop meeting.

Upcoming Events

NO Troop 66 Weekly Meeting
(Mar 17 2025 7:00PM)