About Our Troop
Boy Scout Troop 957 is chartered by the Hudson Lions Club. The troop was founded over 25 years ago and has been active in the Hudson and surrounding communities since.
The scouts adhere to the ideals spelled out in the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Outdoor Code
The troop is "Scout led", this means the Scouts lead the troop meetings, campouts, outings, and events. The boys learn leadership by selecting the troop activities, organizing and planning the events, and then leading the events. The Scoutmasters, Troop Committee members, and adult leaders provide supervision and guidance. Parent participation (including moms and dads) is highly encouraged. There are approximately 40 Scouts in 4 patrols with 6 Assistant Scout Masters and many Parent Volunteers. We also are currently working on a new Venturing patrol for the older Scouts.
The troop is very active, we have regular camping and outdoor activities and with outings at least once per month. Weekend campouts, canoe/kayak expeditions, hikes, winter camping skills.ski trips are popular with the Scouts.
We regularly go on weekend "Adventure Trips" including canoeing and backpacking trips. Some of the adventure trips include a hiking at Local camping areas with hiking trails( Forest Glen), canoeing on the Mackinaw and Vermilion Rivers, High Adventure trips to Northern Tier, Philmont, Sea Base are planned into our yearly events.
Part of rank advancement is serving the community by performing service projects and the Scouts regularly participate in numerous activities. Including the Love Baskets, Scouting for Food, Midwest Food Bank, Scout Sunday, 4th of July Activities, Flag Day, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Labor day Adopt-a-Highway, Camp Peairs
Troop meetings include rank advancement activities like first aid, knot-tying, camping skills, and physical fitness. The Scouts regularly participate in merit badge classes that are required for the advanced ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle. Troop 957 has numerous Scouts achieved the rank of Eagle!
Schools Served - We serve grades 6-12, ages 10 1/2 through 18 at Hudson/Carlock/Mackinaw Elementary, Kingsley/Parkside/ Bloomington Jr. High Schools, Normal Community/Normal West High Schools and many others around the W.D Boyce Council ogf Central Illinois..
Please come and visit us, we'd love to meet you! Weekly meetings, Tuesday, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Hudson UMC Next to Casey's in Hudson illinois.: