About Troop 55

Troop 55 was founded in February 2019 when Scouts BSA began to admit girls, and is chartered by Polytechnic School. There are approximately 30 active scouts from 12 different schools ranging in age from 11-17 (grades 6-12). Nearly half of the scourts attend Poly. So far, 12 of our scouts have achieved the highly coveted rank of Eagle Scout, and many more are on their way. Our brother troop, Troop 5, has been chartered by Poly for over 100 years and we occasionally do joint trips. Troop 5 meets on the same day and time (in separate rooms), which is very convenient for families.
Troop 55 is very active - thanks to the leadership and commitment of our scouts and their families. Due to the support of our parent and community volunteers, scouts have the opportunity to participate in our monthly campouts, hikes, and service-actitives. Although becoming an Eagle Scout is not a requirement or something all scouts aim for, many of our scouts work towards Eagle with the support of their troop, adult troop leaders, and their family.
Building on the long tradition of Polytechnic's Troop 5, Troop 55 seeks to provide character and leadership experiences that give scouts a solid foundation for their futures. Weekly meetings are scout-led and offer the opportunity to work on merit badges and other scouting activities. Campouts are offered monthly and allows scouts to work on scout skills and rank advancement. Every summer scouts can attend a local weeklong Scout Summer Camp. In addition, once scouts reach age 14, they have the opportunity to attend various High Adventure opportunities including:
- Backpacking / horseback riding in New Mexico (Philmont Scout Reservation)
- Sailing in the Florida Keys (Florida Sea Base)
- Winter Camping in Northern Minnesota (Northern Tier)
Camporee 2019: Troop 55 Scouts started strong, winning all major awards during their first appearance at Rose Bowl District's 2019 Camporee.
Founding Troop 55 Members:

Scout Closing: