





Troop 540 - Fulton, MD

Established 2000

Welcome to Troop 540

As scout run troop, Troop 540 provides youth an opportunity to grow mentally, physically, and socially. It also build character, foster citizenship, and develop leadership through a diverse and dynamic program.

Troop 540 offers a full range of scouting activities including weekly Troop meetings, monthly weekend outings, service projects to the community, a full week of Summer Camp, and an annual high adventure activity. Outdoor activities embrace the complete scouting experience, including: skiing and winter sports, white water rafting, field sports, pioneering, Maize Quest, Klondike, hiking and backpacking, theme parks, Splashdown, fishing, cooking, biking, beach camping, and much more! In addition, older scouts may attend annual High Adventure experiences, including Florida Sea Base, Philmont, Northern Tier, and National Scout Jamboree.

Troop 540 is part of the National Pike District of the Baltimore Area Council. Our Scoutmaster is Mr. Jurgensen, who can be reached at bsatroop540scoutmaster@gmail.com.

When we Meet and How to Visit

The troop meets every Tuesday at the Applied Physics Laboratory, except when Schools are closed (But we still meet in June and July). Meetings are from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Contact our current Scoutmaster, Mr. Jurgensen (bsatroop540scoutmaster@gmail.com), if you are interested in joining us. Also if you have any questions about the website or need to report a bug with the website, contact our current webmaster at troop540webmaster@gmail.com.


Click here if you want more information.


Troop 540 attending Philmont and Sea Base High Adventures in the summer of 2024

Scouts At Each Rank

New Members 13
Scout 14
Tenderfoot 16
Second Class 7
First Class 8
Star 6
Life 12
Eagle 10