Welcome to Troop 225 of Gotha, FL!
Troop 225 is an active troop with over 80 Scouts. We go camping nearly every month and provide Summer Camp, High Adventure, and International Excursions. The troop has been meeting since 1992 and has produced many Eagle Scouts through the years. We have over 190 young men earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
Boy Scouts range in grade from 6th grade to High School Seniors. Age appropriate activities keep our Tenderfoots as well as our advanced Scouters engaged.
The troop has a strong parent volunteer corps, filling the Committee ranks and Scoutmaster team well. Troop 225's tradition is to encourage a "scout led" environment with many key leadership decisions being made by the youth.
Come visit - we would love to meet you!
We meet on Monday nights, 7:00 PM at Camp Ithiel (SW Orange County).
2037 Hemple Ave, Gotha, FL 34761
Click the "Contact Us" link under the menu to let us know you are coming, or you may contact the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman.
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Check out our sister Troop 325!