
Welcome To Troop 1226

BSA Troop 1226 is a Boy Scout led troop chartered at St. Thomas Episcopal Church located at 4900 Jackwood St, Houston TX 77096.

This is an active troop hosting a number of service projects, campouts, and other activities.

Weekly Troop meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7PM.


Upcoming Events:  Please check the calendar and register scouts for campouts!

Announcements this week


Congrats to scouts on their new positions:

Jacob Polk:  Senior Patrol Leader

Ben Wu:  Troop Guide

Mark Jones: Quartermaster

Maximilian Lyssy:  Scribe/Webmaster



Upcoming Events Registration!

All, please see below for a list with links to all upcoming events.   Please make sure you and your scouts/parents are registered with their planned attendance.

Note to drivers.   Please list ALL seats in your vehicle.  Including those you and your scouts will take.   This provides a list of total attendees AND total seats.