About The Troop
Troop 1332 is one of the oldest BSA Troops in Klein, and pride ourselves on a boy led/boy run troop following the time honored Patrol Method, as described by Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting. That means the Scouts in their patrols, under the mentoring/guidance of the adult leadership, decide what the troop does - what activities they want to do each meeting and what camp-outs they want to participate in each month, whether it is backpacking, canoeing, climbing, shooting sports, or just "plain old camping" .
Our troop is part of the Boy Scouts of America's Phoenix District in the Sam Houston Area Council, or "SHAC". We are sponsored by Charterwood Municipal Utility District in Spring, Texas.
You can find more information about our troop and our adult leaders under the "Home" tab at the top left of this page. If you need more information, please contact our Scoutmaster, Rick Bean at scoutmasterbean@gmail.com.
Scouts, Parents and Leaders.....
You can use this site to stay current on upcoming events, rank and merit badge advancements, training and more. Just login and check under "My Stuff."
For general information on the following items, look under the "Home" tab
- How to sign up to receive text messages
- BSA Cyber Chip Requirements
- Service Hours
- Service Hour requirement by rank
- Procedure for approval of Service Hours outside of Troop Activities
- Merit Badge Information
- Procedure for starting Merit Badge
- Merit Badge Counselor Information
- Procedure for Merit Badges taken at Merit Badge Universities/Merit Badge Fairs, etc.
- Conservation/Outdoor Ethics
- Conservation service hour opportunities
- Various Conservation related awards