About Our Crew
Crew 440 is a part of Venturing BSA. Venturing allows 14-20 year olds to participate in a variety of engaging self-planned adventures ranging from community service to flying planes. The mission of Venturing is to allow youth to develop essential skills such as responsibility, organization, event-planning, communication, and leadership through diverse and challenging adventures. Additionally, Venturing offers introspective and team-based growth through 4 ranks, as well as a variety of special awards. Crew 440 is dedicated to offering a fun, challenging experience for everyone.
Our Crew Advisor
John Brogan started Scouting as a young boy in Dallas with his mother as Den Leader, then continued his Scout journey with troops located in San Antonio and Honolulu. He came back into the program with his two sons and was the Committee Chair for their Pack and Troop. He joined the Kinsmen Scout Family as soon as he could and happily serves as Crew 440 Advisor.
Over the years, John has been selected for positions at the district and council level, including District Commissioner, Dean of the College of Commissioner Science, and is currently serving as the Council Membership Recruiting Chair. He has a passion for International Scouting and is also the International Committee Vice Chair where he organizes the Houston-Japanese scout exchange between sister cities of Houston, Texas and Chiba, Japan, which several members of Troop 440 have participated. He also served as a staff member of VIP Guest Services team at 2019 World Scout Jamboree.
John has been recognized with several awards, including the Silver Beaver. He has also received the Distinguished Commissioner Award and District Award of Merit. John has completed Wood Badge training and has subsequently served on staff.
John is an avid mountain biker and can be found on the local trails on many weekends. He also loves hiking/backpacking and has been to Philmont and even summited Mt. Fuji in Japan!