Financial Hub

The Financial Hub is a great entry point for all of TroopWebHost's accounting functions.  It is available to any user who has a role that is authorized for the "Maintain Financial Information" or "Financial Hub" tasks.  It is available at Money → Financial Hub.

Like all hubs, you can edit the Financial Hub to fit your troop's requirements.  This allows you to remove widgets you don't need - like the "Fund Balances" data window if you're not using funds.  You may also add or replace widgets.

You can choose from the following Data Window widgets:

Widget Name Displays Links To
Data Window - Money - Individual Transactions The most recently entered transactions - not including those spawned by group transactions - in reverse order of when they were created. The heading links to the Individual Transactions page.
Data Window - Money - Group Transactions The most recently entered group transactions in reverse order of when they were created. The heading links to the Group Transactions page.
Data Window - Money - Scout Balances Every scout in your unit with their current balance. The heading links to the Individual Accounts page.
Data Window - Money - Scout Balances With Reserve And Primary Every scout in your unit with their primary, reserve, and overall balances. The heading links to the Individual Accounts page.
Data Window - Money - All Adult Balances Every adult in your unit with their overall account balance. The heading links to the Individual Accounts page.
Data Window - Money - Active Adult Balances Every adult in your unit with a non-zero balance. The heading links to the Individual Accounts page.
Data Window - Money - Troop Accounts All troop accounts The heading links to the Troop Accounts page.
Data Window - Money - Fund Balances All funds. The heading links to the Funds page.
Data Window - Money - Event Balances All events that are eligible for monetary transactions, based on their event type. The heading links to the Event Balances page.
Data Window - Money - Pending Reimbursement Requests All pending requests for expense reimbursement. The heading links to the Expense Reimbursement Requests page.  The update link takes you to a page where you can approve or reject that individual request.
Data Window - Money - Budget Years All fiscal years, with the most recent at the top. The heading links to the Fiscal Years page.
Data Window - Money - Bank Statements All bank statements that have been entered for reconciliation, with the most recent at the top. The heading links to the Statement Reconciliation page.

Unless otherwise specified above, the icon will allow you to update that row, and the icon will allow you to send a message to that person or group.

The Financial Hub may also include these Menu widgets:

Widget Name Contains
Menu - Financial Functions Other accounting functions that cannot be accessed from the Data Windows.
Menu - Financial Reports All of the financial reports.
Menu - Financial Set-up Supporting tables for the accounting subsystem.