Preparing For JTE

To prepare your system for Journey To Excellence data collection, you'll need to do the following:

"Recharter / JTE Coordinator" User Role

The leaders who will be responsible for managing the Journey To Excellence process must be authorized for the "Recharter / JTE Coordinator" user role.

To do this, go to Administration → Assign User Roles and find the "Recharter / JTE Coordinator" role on this list.  Click the Assign To Roles button.

On the next page you will see a list of all your users.  Put a checkmark in front of each user who will be working on Journey To Excellence.  Click Save & Exit to save your work.

Committee Leadership Positions

You can review your leadership positions by going to Site Configuration → Leadership Positions.

Update each position which would be held by a member of the Committee.  On the detail page look for the field circled below and put a checkmark in the box.  Click Save & Exit to save the change.

Other Leadership Positions

While you're at Site Configuration → Leadership Positions make sure the following are all true:

Training Courses

Journey To Excellence has a number of training requirements.  You'll need to update your training courses to indicate which courses meet each of these requirements.

Begin by going to Site Configuration → Training Courses.  When you update an adult training course you'll see these checkboxes:

Find every course that qualifies as position-specific for Assistant Scoutmasters and check the first box.

Then find every course that fulfills the position-specific training requirement for Committee members and check the second box.

Then find every advanced adult leadership course of 5 days or longer and check the third box.

Scout training courses have one additional field at the bottom:

Find every scout training course that qualifies as advanced training, like NYLT or Order of the Arrow Conference, and check that box.