Are you sure the participants at upcoming events meet all BSA requirements?
- All participants at overnight campouts must be current with medical forms A and B
- All participants at campouts lasting more than 72 hours must be current with medical form C
- All adults at any BSA event must be current with Youth Protection training
- At least two adults at any BSA event must have current BSA registration and be 21 years of age
- All adults at overnight campouts must currently hold fee paid leadership positions
- Outdoor events must have at least one adult who is current with Hazardous Weather training
The Event Compliance report shows you all participants at events scheduled for the next three months who may not be compliant with one or more of the above. This report does not show ALL members who are signed up for the event. It only shows those members who are signed up for whom there may be compliance issues.
Select this report by going to Calendar → Event Reports → Event Compliance.

The Medical Forms column indicates whether that person will be current with medical forms A & B as of the date of the event. If the event is a campout of three days or longer, it also considers medical form C.
YPT Status shows whether each adult participant will be current with YPT training as of the date of the event.
BSA Registered indicates whether each adult participant will be current with their BSA registration as of the date of the event.
The Hazardous Weather Training column indicates the status of each adult participant's Hazardous Weather training as of the date of the event. If the event requires hazardous weather training and there is no one signed up for the event who is current with that training, then all adult participants will be listed for that event, with a status of "None" or "Expired".
Fee Pos indicates whether this adult will hold a fee paid leadership position as of the date of this event.