The Leadership Positions page allows you to view and define the leadership roles held by adults and scouts in your troop. It is located at Site Configuration → Leadership Positions.
Authorized users can add, delete and edit positions. Existing positions can be edited by clicking their respective Update buttons, and a new position can be created by clicking the Add a New Item button.
The Update and Add buttons will both take you to the page shown below:
Adult? indicates whether this position is held by adults. Leave this unchecked for scout leadership positions.
Title is the name of this position.
Code is the BSA code for this position.
Display Sequence determines the order in which members with these positions will appear on some pages, such as the public Our Adult Leaders page. Positions with a lower number display sequence will appear before those with higher numbers.
Qualifies For Leadership Requirement? (only applies to scout leadership positions) - Check the box "Qualifies For Leadership Requirement?" if this is a scout leadership position that qualifies for the leadership requirement for Star and Life ranks. This option determines whether this position will be considered when computing the leadership requirements in the Leadership Rank Requirement Status Report. Note that the Bugler position does qualify for Star and Life, but not Eagle; this exception is hard-coded into the program.
Is this a "fee paid" position? (only applies to adult leadership positions) - Check the box if a BSA registration fee is required for this position.
This position makes this person a member of the Committee (only applies to adult leadership positions) - Check the box if this position is considered part of the Troop Committee for the purpose of Journey To Excellence objective #11.
Do not display this position on the public Our Adult Leaders page (only applies to adult leadership positions) - Checking the box will prevent leaders from this position from being included on the Our Adult Leaders page, unless they also hold another position which has not been excluded.
Desired Number of Active Leaders In This Position - Enter the number of people you would normally expect to fill this position at any point in time. This can be left empty for positions that are considered optional. For most positions, it should be set to 1. You might set it to a higher value for positions like Assistant Scoutmaster, Committee Member, or Patrol Leader, just to give a few examples.
Site administrators will see three additional fields on this page:
- Check the box for Receives Monthly TroopWebHost Newsletter to ensure that anyone who currently holds this position will receive the monthly email announcing the TroopWebHost newsletter.
- Check the box for Receives Reminders For TroopWebHost Subscription Renewal to allow anyone in this position to receive email reminders when your TroopWebHost subscription is due for renewal.
- Authorize For User Role allows you to link this position to a User Role. The system will automatically assign this user role to anyone who currently holds this position; when they leave the position, the role will be removed.