Selling Stuff

Most scout troops conduct at least one fundraising campaign every year that involves selling products to the public. For many troops this means selling Trails End™ popcorn every fall.

Some troops also sell merchandise to their troop members, like troop t-shirts.

The Sales subsystem of TroopWebHost is intended to support both of these types of sales.

This subsystem includes the following capabilities for fundraisers:

On-line sales are designed to be promoted by your scouts, who will receive sales credit for sales initiated at their Personal URL.  For your troop to offer on-line sales, you must:

If you create a sales campaign to sell merchandise to your troop members, like troop t-shirts, you can authorize your adults and/or scouts for the Buy Stuff From Troop function.  This will allow them to select the items they wish to order and pay for them, either by deducting the cost from their individual account (if they have sufficent funds on hand) or by using a credit card if you enabled Square or PayPal.

Before your members can use the Buy Stuff From Troop function, you need to:

You can also enter orders for troop merchandise from the Member Orders page.  This page also allows you to create a monetary transaction to log the payment for each order.

The rest of the functions described above for fundraisers will work equally well for sales to troop members.

Please note that the default security configuration only makes the sales menu items available to site administrators.  To make them available to the rest of your troop you will need to authorize your user roles for some additional tasks.

We'll show you how to do this on the next page of this chapter.